Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Nebraska state senator sues God???

Are you kidding me? Sen. Ernie Chambers is the man, shown above, suing God. How can you sue God? He may be "everywhere" as stated by Sen. Chambers, but I don't believe he will take the witness stand...I know he is trying to make the point that ANYONE can be sued, but seriously??? Our justice system is in serious need of an overhaul if this man can bring charges against the Almighty to court. He states that he does not believe that this is a frivilous lawsuit but I disagree wholeheartedly. If I were a Nebraska taxpayer I would be very angry and wondering WHO elected this man to office. He is calling God a terrorist and says that he brings widespread destruction upon the people of the earth and has threatened him and his "consituants". Really? Wait until he reads Revelation and finds out what happens to nonbelievers, a flood is nothing to the destruction and "terror" that Satan will bring. Is he suing him too?
Well that is my soapbox and I am standing on it...I will be awaiting the verdict of this court case or the breaking news flash that lighting bolt to hit the top of the courthouse...


Amber said...

Hey Rach, this is pretty crazy! It will be interesting to see the outcome! Hope you are doing well and having a great week. =0)

Rach Fairchild said...

the outcome is in yahoo news files and apparently God responded :) How funny huh? You should look it up.